Thursday, April 30, 2015


Definition of “Pervert”


“A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.” 


“Alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.” (The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English)

What has happened to America?  It seems that we are quick to accept any kind of weird group, lifestyle, or behavior today in the name of “freedom.”  We were once a nation of fairly moral people.  But generally speaking, America’s citizens of the past, even the unchurched, seemed to have more morals than most people do today (even including those who call themselves Christians).  We once had the fear of God, at least to some extent, when people would never commit certain sins publicly (and even hesitantly in private); but unfortunately, this modern society is not afraid to raise its fist in the face of God Almighty. 

Our morals are all twisted.  What was once considered good is now called bad.  And what used to be evil is now acceptable.  The prophet Isaiah warned us long ago about this:

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20 – NASV and so throughout)

The unthinkable is now commonplace.  For example, recently, former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner has come out of the closet and is now publicly declaring himself to be a woman.  Not ever considering how the God of the Bible feels about this, many commenting on Facebook were quick to praise Jenner for his perversion.  Many of the comments on the topic hailed Jenner as “brave,” and that, through this decision, he was “opening minds” and “saving lives.”  Of course, many Hollywood characters supported Jenner’s efforts.  He was deemed a “hero” by many, including his ex-wife!  Jenner’s son declared his dad to be “more than ever” his role model.  Bruce Jenner also said, “Maybe this is my cause in life,” (meaning his transition into “womanhood”), thus helping others to also be brave and “come out.”  Rather than condemn Jenner’s actions, some Facebook commenters objected to our “judgmental society” and an “unforgiving public.”  Come on, all you big, mean, oppressive and judgmental people… what could possibly be wrong with just letting everyone “do their own thing”?!!!  Jenner’s not hurting anyone, right?

It seems that the men of Sodom also felt the same way about Lot (Genesis 19:4-9)… that he was “unforgiving” and “judgmental.”  But what if these Old Testament Sodomites were simply “expressing themselves”?  One might say, “They couldn’t help it.  That’s just the way they were.  They were probably ‘born that way,’ right?”  Obviously, God didn’t see it that way, and He destroyed their city.  Remember, HE always has the last word.

Furthermore, Jenner claimed that he is not gay.  But this is certainly debatable, since he is supposedly still attracted to women.  So, wouldn’t his being with a woman while he professes to be a woman still make him gay?  The man is certainly confused.  As though this were not enough, Jenner also claims to be a Christian, and said that he often wondered while sitting in church how God saw him (i.e., as a man or as a woman)But a true Christian would recognize that God always intended Jenner to be a man from the beginning and, try as Jenner may, no amount of desire, no operation, no drugs, and no changing of lifestyle or clothing can change that fact.

Jenner’s lifestyle is a perversion, plain and simple, just as the definition above states… it is a “corruption of what was first intended” (by God).  God INTENDED him to be a man, and He therefore CREATED him as a man, so Jenner will always BE a man.  And when he stands before God, he will be JUDGED as a man.  Sorry, but no one can change that.

But concerning Jenner’s new lifestyle, the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) crowd loves this kind of stuff.  And they would love nothing better than the public’s full acceptance of their lifestyle and, not stopping there, to receive special treatment for their minority status.  Many of the LGBT gang would love to shove their perverted lifestyle down the throats of the public, especially on Christians.

And you know what?  The public (especially in the media) seems to be quite willing to let that happen.  They seem to WANT to cater to the whims of these groups.  They apparently WANT our leaders in high places to sympathize with such perversion.  It apparently doesn’t matter to them what GOD wants.

Through the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-29), God has already clearly shown us what He thinks about homosexuality and what happens to a society that moves in that direction.  God help us.  And may God forgive us (America) for allowing this to happen.

And now, a word to those in the LGBT camp.  Having said all this, we are still to love the sinner, while hating the sin, itself.  Jesus died for every type of sinner.  Every one of us is guilty of sin of one type or another.  But God forgives the humble and repentant person.  If you are reading this and you are one who feels trapped in the LGBT lifestyle, know that God loves you, and there is yet hope.  God is merciful, but there is a point when He will no longer tolerate deliberate sin any farther. 

The Apostle Paul dealt with some hardcore sinners in the Corinthian church:

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) [Emphasis added]

Notice Paul’s words, “And such WERE (past tense) some of you.”  They had been trapped in their sins (including homosexuality), but were delivered out of them by surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  They didn’t  STAY in their sins.  And YOU don’t have to stay in your sins.  But you have to repent and humbly admit the perversion of your lifestyle. Then you can be set free.

"If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)


  1. Russell:

    You said,"But you have to repent and humbly admit the perversion of your lifestyle. Then you can be set free."

    We also must DO GOOD WORKS IN ORDER TO BE SAVED (Romans 2:12). There is ONLY ONE phrase in the entire Bible where the words "faith" and "only" comes together, and it says "not by faith only" (James 2:24). Sola Fide is a heresy man! Dude, I have read some of your articles and you promote the false doctrine of "faith ALONE"...

    In your blogger user profile, you said, " I believe that a person's doctrine affects his relationship with God, therefore, scriptural teaching is of the utmost importance."

    If you really believe that " a person's doctrine affects his relationship with God and therefore scriptural teaching is of the utmost importance", then you will get the fact in your head that WORKS are absolutely necessary for salvation (read James chapter two). We also NEED baptism (Acts 2:37)!!!

    I would really like to know some more about your back ground. Are you a false teacher or something? If not, then you will heed to my concern and FIX your false doctrine of Sola Fide. Trust me, its ANOTHER GOSPEL (Galatians 1:8-9). Heed to what Scripture tells you.

    Are you a pervert? Yes, because you pervert the Gospel.


  2. Hello “X”,

    I absolutely DO promote the doctrine of “Sola Fide.” I won’t deny that. But I think that you need to take a closer look at James 2:24. The argument concerning James having the one phrase where “faith” and “only” come together is old and worn, and it is easily refuted with one word: Context.

    James 2 is NOT about “how to get saved.” It is about the PROOF of one’s salvation, demonstrated in good works. If you want to see justification in context, see Romans chapter 3, 4, and 5. The context there is “How is a man made right with God?” or “How is man justified?” And Paul’s answer, over and over, is: by grace, through faith, apart from the merits of a man’s works.

    You said that you read some of my articles, but apparently, you missed a lot of the information on “faith alone.” Otherwise, you would not have used the arguments that you did. See this recent article on baptism here:

    Within this article, there are a half dozen links to “faith alone” articles. That should be a good start for you. The doctrine is not a heresy. It has biblical support, and anyone who is humble and honest with the whole of Scripture can grasp it.

    “X,” do you have any idea what the book of Galatians is about? Or what Paul meant by “another gospel”? See here:

    Paul tells us clearly who the perverts of the gospel are… It is those who add anything to the work of Jesus on the cross for their salvation.

    1. Nice try Russell,

      What about Romans 2:12, where it says "DOERS of the law shall be JUSTIFIED"!!! There's also a passage is Paul's epistle to the Philippians where we are told to, "WORK AND TREMBLE WITH FEAR"!

      Well, how do you know if your interpretation of Scripture is correct? Your just like me and everybody else. We are ALL sinful and fallible beings (Romans 3:23)


  3. Hello again “X”,

    You asked about Romans 2:12 and the “doers” of the Law. I think you meant Romans 2:13, actually. But the context that actually starts dealing with justification begins in chapter 3 at about verse 20. I have a whole article addressing this here:

    Concerning Philippians 2:12 and Christians working out their salvation with fear and trembling; this is simply Paul’s admonition for the Christians at Philippi to live a godly life and be set apart for God. The context is about their perseverance and their growth. The context is NOT about justification, or about how a man is made right with God. These people were already saved, and Paul is not explaining the doctrine of justification to them. This is simply about their “living out” or the “outworking” of their Christianity.

    Just one question for you “X”: Do you really want to say that the work of Jesus Christ on the cross was incomplete, or that is was just NOT enough to pay for the sins of mankind? Because that’s what you’re saying when you say that we MUST do works to be saved. Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) That means that either He lied, or He triumphantly finished the job of paying for all sin. You choose.
